Premier - Traxodent Value Pack (25 Syringe & 50 Tips)

Premier - Traxodent Value Pack (25 Syringe & 50 Tips) Premier - Traxodent Value Pack (25 Syringe & 50 Tips)


Premier - Traxodent Value Pack (25 Syringe & 50 Tips)

Traxodent Value Pack (25 Syringe & 50 Tips) 9007091

Traxodent® Hemostatic Retraction Paste System by Premier® provides predictable hemostasis and soft tissue management in just minutes. Traxodent is gentle and fast for patient comfort, stops bleeding quickly and easily absorbs the excess crevicular fluid during retraction. Clinicians can choose between two easy application types: sleek syringes with bendable tips or an ergonomic unit-dose dspenser and capsules.

Features include:

  • Fast effective retraction
  • Superior hemostasis
  • Ready-to-use
  • Increased patient comfort
  • Rinses clean without leaving a film

Item includes: 25 Syringes & 50 Bendable Tips

Additional Resources

PDF: Traxodent® Features Brochure 

VIDEO: Traxodent: #1 Choice for Tissue Management

VIDEO: Traxodent Clinical Experiment - Lallana Mekmanee, DDS

VIDEO: Traxodent Technique 1

VIDEO: Traxodent Technique 2

VIDEO: Traxodent Technique 3

VIDEO: Traxodent Technique 4

Note: Traxodent Tecnique videos feature older Traxodent packaging. Items received will reflect product photo on site.

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Manufacturer Buy/Get - Manufacturer Fulfilled

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At Dental City we’re all about making your day easier, so when you shop at your account manager will take care of all the paperwork the manufacturer requires for you to receive your free product on this promotion. Once the paperwork is submitted your free goods will be shipped from the manufacturer separate from your initial order.

Buy 3, Get 1 of the same free.

To receive your promotional goods, email or fax a copy of your invoice to or (888) 627-6160.

Promotional goods must be of equal or lesser value and may not be combined with any other offers. Purchase must be made on one invoice between 01/01/2025 and 03/31/2025, unless otherwise noted. Submissions must be received by 04/30/2025.

Promotions are subject to change or cancel without notice. Offer void if purchased product is returned. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Valid in the U.S. and Canada only.