Kerr - Kromafaze 1Lb Can

Kerr - Kromafaze 1Lb Can Kerr - Kromafaze 1Lb Can

Kerr - Kromafaze 1Lb Can

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Kromafaze Alginate Fast Set 1Lb Can 27452DX

Kerr KromaFaze™ Alginate is a dust-free alginate, featuring a color-changing formula that acts as a visual gude for the impression making process. This alginate is easy to mix and  has ideal strenth and physical characteristics to capture detailed impressions with a smooth surface.

The color-changing formula indicates which each step in the impression taking process:

  • Purple FAZE: Mix
  • Pink FAZE: Load
  • White FAZE: Set

1 lb. canisters are available in regular and fast set.