Cliktech - X-SERIES BiteBlocks

Cliktech - X-SERIES BiteBlocks Cliktech - X-SERIES BiteBlocks

Cliktech - X-SERIES BiteBlocks

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X-SERIES Bite Blocks Horizontal Bitewing Size 2 (Blue) 3/Bag 001-589

X-Series Bite Blocks fit thinner sensors such as Apex Dental Sensors, Diatomic XDR, Original Schick, Progeny, Quickray, & Dent-X.

These precise fit holders are available in Size 1 (yellow) and Size 2 (blue). Color coding makes them easy to choose the correct size. They fit ClikStik and ShaRing along with other ring and rod systems.

Available in Posterior, Anterior, Horizontal Bite Wing & Vertical Bite Wing options.

Item includes: 3 Bite Blocks/Bag