Dental City - Tartar & Stain Gallon Dental City - Tartar & Stain Gallon
Dental City - Tartar & Stain Gallon
Dental City Tarter & Stain Remover is an ultrasonic solution formulated to remove calculus, tartar, tobacco, and food stains from dentures, bridges, orthodontic appliances, etc. It can also be used for the removal of permanent cement.
Features include:
- Cleansing Time: 5-10 Minutes
- No diluting necessary
Item includes: 1 gallon of Tartar & Stain Remover
Directions for use:
Use undiluted Tartar & Stain Remover in a covered glass beaker immersed in General Purpose Cleaner solution. General Purpose Cleaner solution acts as the ultrasonic conductor between tank and beaker. Cover item with Tarter & Stain Remover; clean 5 to 10 minutes; rinse item with water. Dentures, bridges, orthodontic appliances, and other acrylic items should be neutralized in a solution of 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda diluted in a cup of water.
Note: Do not use on aluminum. Do not use directly in the ultrasonic tank. Use in glass beaker & keep beaker covered.